Trademark Data
(210) Serial number of the application
(220) Date of filing of the application
(731) Name and address of the applicant
GBB Drink Lab Inc.
2505 Provence Circle , Weston, FL, 33327, FL
(511) The International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) and the list of goods and services classified according thereto
32: Dietary and nutritional supplements, liquid dietary and nutritional supplements in form of ready to drink supplements for improving cognitive performance

5: Liquid energy supplements enhanced with supplements or nutrients that improve cognitive performance and promote the clearance of alcohol from an individual; Liquid sports supplements enhanced with supplements or nutrients that improve cognitive performance and promote the clearance of alcohol from an individual
(541) Reproduction of the mark where the mark is represented in standard characters
(740) Name and address of the representative
Erica W. Stump, undefined
(750) Address for correspondence
Erica W. Stump Erica W. Stump, P. A., 110 E. Broward Blvd., Suite 1700, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, United States