Trademark Data
(111) Registration Number
(210) Serial number of the application
(220) Date of filing of the application
(731) Name and address of the applicant
Klaus Schirmer good Spirit GmbH
Klaus Schirmer good Spirit GmbH 10. Oktober-Straße 4 A-9500 Villach AUSTRIA
(511) The International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) and the list of goods and services classified according thereto
33: Alcoholic beverages, not including beer, namely herb liqueur and spirits; Alcoholic preparations for the preparation of drinks.
(541) Reproduction of the mark where the mark is represented in standard characters
(740) Name and address of the representative
Burgstaller & Partner Rechtsanwälte
(750) Address for correspondence
Burgstaller & Partner Rechtsanwälte Landstraße 12 A-4020 Linz AUSTRIA
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