Trademark Data
(111) Registration Number
(151) Date of the registration
(210) Serial number of the application
(220) Date of filing of the application
(180) Expected expiration date of the registration/renewal
(731) Name and address of the applicant
Reza Khorsand
Reza Khorsand Kranichsteiner Str. 8 D-64289 Darmstadt ALEMANIA
(511) The International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) and the list of goods and services classified according thereto
35: Consultancy with regard to the opening and running of restaurants; franchising services for restaurants, namely provision of technical, organisational and business know-how.

42: Franchising services for restaurants, namely organising technical know-how, permitting the use of the industrial property rights of the franchisor by the franchisee; architectural and construction drafting and consultancy for restaurants.

43: Provision of food and drink, party services, catering.
(541) Reproduction of the mark where the mark is represented in standard characters
(750) Address for correspondence
Reza Khorsand Kranichsteiner Str. 8 D-64289 Darmstadt ALEMANIA
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