Trademark Data
(111) Registration Number
(210) Serial number of the application
(220) Date of filing of the application
(731) Name and address of the applicant
Heiko Höhmann GmbH
Heiko Höhmann GmbH Hintenmeiswinkel 27 D-42657 Solingen, Nordrhein-Westfalen ALEMANIA
(511) The International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) and the list of goods and services classified according thereto
35: Advertising; business management; business administration.

42: The performance of consulting and advisory tasks; development and provision of branch-specific merchandise information systems; organization of purchasing, materials and service management for municipalities, selection and procurement of suppliers and service providers including the service of product/price information and the utilization of e-commerce for municipalities and other public institutions; performance of central regulation and funding of acquisition and receipt of goods and provided services; organization of the exchange of goods, products and information within the municipalities; planning and performance of areas involving hand craftsmen, repair and cleaning for municipalities and other public institutions including all marketing actifvities and public relations work for municipalities.
(541) Reproduction of the mark where the mark is represented in standard characters
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