Trademark Data
(111) Registration Number
(151) Date of the registration
(210) Serial number of the application
(220) Date of filing of the application
(731) Name and address of the applicant
Tianyi Wang
Sunwen Middle Rd Community, Shiqi Dist Rm 2602, Unit 3, Bldg 77, Zhongshan Guangdong, , 528400, CN
(732) Name and address of the holder of the registration
Tianyi Wang
Sunwen Middle Rd Community, Shiqi Dist Rm 2602, Unit 3, Bldg 77, Zhongshan Guangdong, , 528400, CN
(511) The International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification) and the list of goods and services classified according thereto
5: Acaracides; Vitamins; Adult diapers; All purpose disinfectants; Antibacterial spray; Baby foods; Cod liver oil; Dental veneers; Diapers for pets; Dietary food supplements; Disinfecting handwash; Disposable adult diapers; Disposable baby diapers; Eye patches for medical purposes; Infant formula; Personal sexual lubricants; Sanitary napkins; Sanitary tampons
(541) Reproduction of the mark where the mark is represented in standard characters
(740) Name and address of the representative
Reine Glanz, undefined
(750) Address for correspondence
Reine Glanz , 23 Lloyd Harbor Rd, Huntington, NY 11743, United States